Daily Aquarius Horoscope September 26 (26/09)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

September 26


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Quitters never win, and winners tend to accept that quitting isnt an option. What keeps winners motivated? Why do they keep going in the face of adversity and refuse to take a leaf out of a quitters book? Faith plays the biggest part in us sticking with what we started. Often, we know, even before we embark upon a plan, it holds huge potential for success. Prepare to see how your faith in a particular area wasnt misplaced.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

You could be focused too intently on what you believe you stand to lose with taking action in a particular way. The perceived loss might even take the form of a compromise you feel reluctant to have to make. However, the change youre keen to introduce wants something in return from you, and its important you dont see this as a tall order or unfair demand. The exchange requires only the highest levels of effort and faith from you. Give both, and youll have fulfilled your side of the bargain!


summary aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Being determined to take strides where small steps are needed will be the greatest source of frustration this week. Resist an urge to be everything to everybody and this includes putting yourself under pressure to take on more responsibilities than you know you can cope with. Not everything needs doing here and now, instantly. Focus your effort realistically and calmly and the coming week can be a manageable one.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

You might experience a sense of dj vu as events this month are connected to the Solar Eclipse that occurred on 21 September, affecting partnerships and commitments. At the time, this gave you a glimpse into what was possible, but circumstances prevented it from progressing. However, from early September, youll see clear signs the cosmos is supportive of establishing or deepening a bond or formalizing an arrangement. Also, if your bank manager has been problematic recently, then you should have good news to relay due to a Full Moon on the 6th that marks a new chapter with your earnings!


health aquarius daily

Star 8/10

You may feel like you\re at the top of your game. The planetary alignment gives you the support you need to express your complex emotions: you find words work well for you when you talk about your feelings. It\s not always necessary to talk to someone else, though. Try having a conversation with yourself to sort out your feelings when you are running or using the machines at the gym or health club. It\s helpful to clarify your thoughts and feelings while you work out.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You may find yourself involved in a deep conversation today. There is room for unusual expression - humorous, perhaps, or surprising in other ways. It\s important to stay grounded and fly under the radar so that you don\t get flooded. Stay in tune with your body, as you may experience unusual hunger, or crave some unusual taste or spice. Follow your instincts and gratify yourself, explore the new. Also, try to be in bed early tonight. Your body will appreciate the extra rest.


health aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

It\s time to look after your body and make sure that you detox on regular basis. You\ll also learn the link between intense feelings and your state of health. Your health will dramatically improve if you work through difficult issues to bring a sense of closure and resolution. If you can\t let go of bitterness or resentment, you\ll notice that you don\t feel quite the same as usual.


health aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

You may find that a short detox of one or two days during this month freshens up your system considerably. Think healthy salads, juices, and fresh fruit to get those vitamins and minerals. The weeks ahead also encourage you to opt for any available alternative treatments that might help with more cosmetic issues, such as enhancing your skin and easing away any fine lines on your face. One of the cheapest and most beneficial ways to keep skin in top condition is to drink plenty of water every day. Your body will thank you for it.


love aquarius daily

Star 8/10

You always did adore talking, and you will especially today. Your lover may find it hard to get a word in edgewise, even if you are going blue in the face through lack of breath. But others like to express their feelings, as well. Seriously, if you can keep still, and try ever so hard to listen without fidgeting, you may hear something to your advantage.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your problem is that in love, as in everything else, you just have to have two of everything. The day\s planetary aspect says this is fine, as long as you are willing to deal with the consequences. If it\s one partner for each side of your schizophrenic personality, then you might just get away with it. You will probably be satisfied - but will you be happy?


love aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

There arent many options you wont consider at the start of the week. Your eccentric side is waiting for a chance to show itself, and finding the right partner to indulge your wackiness is the key. You may be invited to a lot of parties and casual get-togethers over the weekend, and attending them increases your chances of finding love. A friend of a friend could be your perfect match.


love aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

Effusive Mercury turns direct on September 5 and opens some much clearer lines of communication. Your dating life benefits greatly from fewer texting typos and verbal misunderstandings. Love-seeking Venus enters basic Virgo on September 19, and you could get very selective OK, lets just say it - picky! Can you afford to date only the best and weed out the rest? Time will tell. A concerning opposition between compelling Mars and idealistic Neptune dishes out a hard dose of reality on September 24, and you might have to readjust your plans. Just because things arent what you thought they were doesnt mean they cant still be great.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Getting angry with others is not going to make them work faster or more efficiently. If anything, your anger towards people is only going to slow them down. Make peace with others instead of waging war. Others will repay you with kindness and respect.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Tension that has been building has finally released. You feel like you are back on top of things again. You are getting respect from your co-workers and your employers, and other people are sympathetic to your feelings. Overall, this is a stellar day for you.


career aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Partnerships and diplomacy could be a major focus of attention this week. You may be plotting to change the balance of power. Be cautious about someone\s thoughtless comment or bad attitude causing you to react when you should keep your cool. Your energy is strong. If you\re willing to put in long hours, you can improve your reputation for leadership. Do all you can to improve morale. A positive attitude can bring benefits for all.


career aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Expect to receive payment for a big job around September 6. Thats when the full moon will improve your financial prospects. Use your money to finance a dream vacation. If you keep working without a break, youll cease to be effective on the job. Visiting a seaside location would be an ideal use of your time during the first half of September. Around September 20, youll be offered a chance to work on commission. Although the prospect of earning more money is tempting, you should turn down this opportunity. The proceeds will be less than expected due to a challenged new moon. Not only that, but the organization involved isnt as successful as it seems.



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