Daily Libra Horoscope September 01 (01/09)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

September 01


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 7/10

You might question your willingness to reconsider something you believed youd made a firm decision about recently, but you can thank enlightenment that comes from a change in circumstances for this helpful U-turn. As more information emerges, youll be able to see how what you were dismissive of not so long ago holds more potential or offers more hope than it appeared to originally.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Andbreathe out. Theres always something reassuring about hearing those words when theyre said to us. Theyre usually accompanied with a noticeable sense of relaxation. Weve gone from an unnatural state to a natural one and are aware of a sense of calmness returning. Where you might have been priming yourself in some way, you can afford to relax. Trust the calmness that comes from doing so. Its not concealing a hidden reason to be defensive.


summary libra weekly

Star 8/10

Life would probably be considerably easier this week if you didnt have to rise to a particular challenge. However, rather than be resentful toward whats likely to demand your attention, welcome it. Rather than focus solely on effort and discipline required of you to overcome it, focus on the reward on offer when you succeed. If youre willing to look closely at what is good in a situation youre inclined to believe is tedious or unfulfilling, then you will start to see it from a much more favorable and reassuring perspective.


summary libra monthly

Star 8/10

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th highlights love, romance and your sense of adventure. A certain involvement can deepen significantly and quickly, whether youre single and have been seeing a certain person recently or attached and in a long-term, committed relationship. Its also possible you could connect deeply with a child and feel a strong sense of pride in something theyve accomplished. As the month progresses, your social life gathers momentum in a fantastic way. Youll be sought-after by friends so be prepared for a serious increase in invitations!


health libra daily

Star 10/10

During the current transit you will feel unusual and positive impulses coming up this week. New ways of doing ordinary things will motivate you to get ahead and expand your horizons. Try applying this energy to your diet by looking into healthy recipes that use ingredients you don\t usually feel willing to approach. If you do, you will enjoy your meals even more. For instance, instead of meat try making a meal with tofu. Instead of cream in your coffee try soy milk.


health libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The favorable position of the planets today gives you an intuitive sense of where to point your arrow, but how far will your arrow go if your feet aren\t planted on the ground nor your back straight and strong? Give yourself the benefit of a regular yoga practice to ground your energy and build your strength so that you may use these transits (sources of positive energy in and of itself) to meet your health goals.


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

You might find it easier to get fit if you enlist the help of a personal trainer or someone with the knowledge to set up a program that will enable you to reach further. If that doesn\t appeal to you or is impractical, try working out with your partner or a friend. When you can support another person, you also support yourself.


health libra monthly

Star 7/10

If youre going to be out and about on the social scene this month, be sure to top up with plenty of fresh, pure water to keep yourself hydrated. In addition, it might be wise not to drink too much alcohol or caffeine. Furthermore, you could be tempted to reach for foods that are quick and easy to prepare or opt for fast food or take-out. But your body will thank you if you take the time to prepare hearty, nurturing meals. With just a few adjustments to your schedule, you can enjoy mixing and mingling and still feel up to par.


love libra daily

Star 8/10

Friends certainly know how to get you all wound up. The planetary alignment brings up a tricky situation, in which you can decide to either take something further, or simply not bother at all. There seems to be no middle ground - no halfway house, no \"lets see how we get on.\" Either you do or you don\t. Take your time in order to choose wisely.


love libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

The celestial lineup makes for quite a revealing day. There are many opportunities to get out and about and to have a wonderful time. Romance may catch you unawares, as you could meet someone who shares the same sense of humor as yourself: witty, zany, and slightly off center. You have much to discuss, especially your taste in jokes. This could be a long-term laugh.


love libra weekly

Star 8/10

You get the green light from someone at the start of the week, but you could stall before you even cross the starting line. Are you sure that everything is in functioning order? Have you double-checked that all of your motivations are in the right place? If so, there shouldnt be anything stopping you. Disagreeing with a date over the weekend can be a form of foreplay, but only if you keep things friendly. Know when enough is enough.


love libra monthly

Star 8/10

A Mercury retrograde period beginning on September 12 tries to create confusion via missed or mixed messages and other puzzling communications, but youre determined to persevere. You arent going to let little annoyances stop you from finding love! A scorching Sun-Uranus trine on September 20 raises the romance level, but its up to you to follow through. Your perception is good right now, which should help you make all the right choices. Venus drifts into extroverted Leo on September 25, helping you be aggressive in your romantic endeavors. Make sure you know where the line is so you dont cross it.


career libra daily

Star 9/10

Your key to success right now is to be pro-active. Many times, your success comes by just going with the flow and letting opportunities come to you. Most of the time, this approach works quite well. Right now, however, you need to be more assertive.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Tension may exist in the workplace between you and another person, but most likely, this isn\t because you disagree on something. This tension comes simply because you don\t fully understand each other. Your ideas are more similar than you think.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

There is a stressful energy at work. Don\t get emotional if you have a confrontation with an aggressive, demanding, or critical person. It isn\t a personal matter. Not everyone will agree, and you may be challenged. Continue expressing your opinions in a calm and direct way. Ignores rumors and office gossip. If you waver, you might be perceived as weak or ineffective. The last few days of the week are fortunate for seeking a new or better position.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A creative effort will conclude successfully on September 7. Youll receive plenty of fame and acclaim for your artistic contributions. If youve ever wanted to earn money from artisanal work, now is the time to do so. You could launch a highly successful handicraft, music, or writing business. Word of your talent will spread like wildfire. Joining a professional organization is highly favored on September 21. Not only will you make some valuable contacts but youll also find lots of new clients and customers through this association. If someone wants to be your silent partner, take the suggestion seriously.



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