Daily Leo Horoscope June 28 (28/06)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

June 28


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 10/10

You might not have worked a major miracle recently but you appear to have made a minor one happen so try not to see a certain proverbial glass as being half empty. You might not be where you want and need to be with a particular plan but you appear to have covered certain essential bases in a way that will make progress and success much more likely.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your enthusiasm or excitement for a particular plan could be seen as a little bit overpowering to certain others now. Whilst you have absolute faith in what you intend to accomplish, its possible others arent seeing past what they believe to be impetuousness. Digging your heels in or adopting a stubborn approach can only be on helpful now. If others are encouraging you to slow down and take realistic stock of the situation, then tried to do so.


summary leo weekly

Star 10/10

You might be inclined to focus on a shortfall that exists within an area of your world. Recent circumstances might have meant a plan that showed strong signs of promise had to be modified or possibly even delayed and where you might have felt you were about to reach the top of a mountain, you discovered there was still a long way to go to do so. This week, a feeling of comfort and pride that exists toward what you have achieved will override doubts or resentment.


summary leo monthly

Star 9/10

This could be a month where you feel inclined to withdraw yourself rather than be the life and soul of any party. Youll be aware of the benefits of detaching yourself in order to focus on plans or projects that arent quite ready to be revealed to the world yet. A Full Moon on the 9th brings closure to a chapter surrounding a romantic involvement or possibly a child or children. Depending on your circumstances, something will either progress to a new level or come to an end.


health leo daily

Star 9/10

If you find yourself giving in to other people too much because you feel they depend on you, it\s time to give yourself the attention you deserve and stop distracting yourself through filling the needs of others. Ground yourself with deep breathing exercises. Have you been getting regular aerobic exercise? Take it easy if it\s been a while, but definitely try to get back into caring for yourself first.


health leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Get some space today. You are filled with a sense of power, and you need to work out what to do with this yourself, not with others. There is a lot you can do with this energy. For one thing, the physical exercise you do could put you in a trance state where you will receive important messages from your unconscious. Don\t miss this! There is a lot of healing energy within you, and this transit is a way to tap that energy for present and future use.


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

It\s time to focus on improving your overall level of fitness and health. Your only real danger is burnout. You could be so eager to make great progress as quickly as possible that you injure yourself. Take it easy and go one step at a time. This is the best way forward for the future.


health leo monthly

Star 9/10

Whatever your health goals, you may find that linking with other like-minded people who share your issues can help you a lot. Groups in your area that cater to various sports, exercises, or diet options can also be supportive. This isn\t the time to go it alone, as you will find that other people can spur you on, especially later in the month. As Pluto continues in your wellness sector, it rings in changes over time. You may find that certain symptoms repeat, but this could be partly due to emotional issues, which, if resolved, could help you feel better.


love leo daily

Star 7/10

Today\s planetary energies could put a sparkle in your eye. This is most likely to be in connection with a specific social event that you are attending, or perhaps a meeting where important principles are being discussed. Whether you strike up a conversation with a particular person, or get talking by some twist of fate, the impact that they have on you will be totally unexpected.


love leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

You may find that while you are quite happy to carry on with your daily routine and do all the things that you normally do with your partner (current or prospective), today\s aspect means that they, on the other hand, want a taste of freedom. They want to try new things they have never done before. If you want to keep the peace, give them a break.


love leo weekly

Star 10/10

Are you longing for an ex? Do you feel like you had the perfect relationship in the past, so it\s all downhill from here? It might not seem like it, but there are other people out there who are a good match. Get back in the dating game to see what you\re missing. A romantic mismatch can be unsatisfying over the weekend, but don\t give up just yet. You\re just getting started.


love leo monthly

Star 10/10

A cheery Sun/Jupiter trine on June 3 lifts your mood and renews your faith that someone\s out there for you. Being patient isn\t easy, but at least you know you\re working toward something. There\s a Sagittarius Full Moon to look forward to on June 9, which should bring a sense of completion and fulfillment. Saturn\s interference puts questions where there should be answers, but the overall effect isn\t too worrisome. June 24 brings an interesting Venus/Pluto trine, at which point you\re very perceptive about others\ motivations. You don\t mind if someone is only interested in you for one thing, but you want them to know you know!


career leo daily

Star 10/10

Today won\t be your finest hour in the workplace so call in sick if you can. If you do find yourself at work, make the most of it by tackling projects that require an extra amount of force, finesse, and power. You will have these qualities in excess.


career leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Don\t be too critical of someone else\s work today. This person\s feelings are more sensitive than you may first realize. Too harsh of a critique may bring tears to this person\s eyes. Go easy on him or her while getting your point across.


career leo weekly

Star 9/10

You could be buried under a pile of unnecessary papers or busywork. Do your best to simplify communication and cut back on the clutter in your life. Don\t be overwhelmed by your work. Make lists and cut things down into manageable sections. You\ll be more effective doing one thing at a time rather than scattering your attention. Keep your word in all circumstances. Personal integrity is something people admire and reward.


career leo monthly

Star 7/10

Your creative ability will be highlighted in the days surrounding June 9. Thanks to your exceptional contributions on a demanding project, you\ll be given a bigger and better assignment. If you get a chance to transfer to the art division, do it. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will be a dream come true. The second half of June will give you a chance to work in seclusion. Being able to escape the influence of a micromanager will be liberating. You\ll develop brilliant solutions to stubborn problems. Use the achievements to demand a greater measure of freedom in your job.



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